Tuesday, January 12, 2016

2-3 things I want to learn more about


This video takes place in china and its about a policeman hitting an old man with their weapon, but then the woman started to act out to get him to stop hitting the old man. After the woman touches the police, he just strikes her twice in the face and got knocked out. This is horrible and police brutality is stupid. Police should be more educated and learn how to cope with these people that act up, it should be in their training instead of acting recklessly like a civilian. Police have higher authority for a reason and if they cannot step up to this, they should step down from their job. This go for all police around the world, everyone can improve.


Although it is rightful to record the incident the police is creating. It is wrong for police to tell you to stop recording. And the civilians might be threatened to destroy the evidence they recorded because they are afraid of the police. The police are threatening to people rather than helping them. In certain videos I watch in social media, the back ups in an incident usually tells the recorder to leave the premise because they are interfering with their work. But while the cop is blocking the evidence, the other cops can easily land a punch in without anyone noticing. So, I think it will be wise if the government established this concern on how the cops cannot actually stand in front of your camera to try to get you from recording.