Monday, April 4, 2016

Blogpost 4/4/16

Comme des garcons are really interesting. It is really simple and this icon is imperfect. This imperfection makes it really nice to the eyes because every shape is not the same. There is no symmetry to this heart, although as a child we would fold the paper in half to create a symmetrical heart.
This logo is interesting because the on is a key. This reminds me of DJ Khaled but that is beyond the point. The font is so geometrical, so I also like that.

I like how the c is basically the focal point of the entire logo. The c can represent camera. Or this can be a motivation to focus.

This logo is symmetrical. This looks like a shield and I don't really know what this logo is for. 

I like how the E is the tiger claw and the background is red which makes the white pop.

This logo has a lightning and this logo incorporated every part of lightning. It has volts in it, it is yellow and I can infer this has to do with a car or something technological

Monday, March 21, 2016

Poster Reflection

             I believe my stance is clear because it shows how police and civilians fight against each other. There are different fonts throughout my final project. This final is extremely different to my first draft because on illustrator I use different shapes to create different angles for the poster while my draft did not go together. My poster idea changed drastically because on my final, I did not really have a stance. It is just to stop fighting among the people while my drawn draft was more of a police brutality. I like the new visual outcome because there are more colors to the poster.
             I changed the boxer person to an angry woman cartoon character. It was difficult for me to find pictures of angry cartoon people, so I settled for only one woman. I added the word "Stop" in different fonts on the background of my poster. This added a good contrast in the photo between different words and I like how some words are cut off because of how my photo is layered. Because I added the background, I started to get a bit more creative since it looked better. There is zero empty space in my final draft compared to my first draft.
             My project is strongest in the Design category because there are different ways I filled in space in my poster project. I am least confident in the concept section because I changed it constantly because the "stop fighting" concept goes better with the clash within the community rather than the police brutality.
             The most challenging aspect of this project is finding the right photos to add to the poster. I could not find any good photos and it was difficult to create, so I had to settle with bad ones. Like the cartoon people and police I had to settle for them because I struggled to find any other good one.
             This project is challenging technically because it is difficult to create art works on illustrator since I just started working on it. Like there are too many tools and it is difficult to implement everything into my poster project.

  1. Do you believe your stance clear within your poster? Defend your answer- image, fonts, color, composition, etcFrom your initial thumbnail sketches to your hand drawn draft- Do you feel you were successful in re-creating your poster idea digitally? If not, do you like the new visual outcome?
  2. What were the changes you made from your first version to the last version of the poster? Explain why you made those changes?
  3. Looking over your rubric, which category do you think your project is strongest? Explain why. Which category do you feel the least confident? Explain why.
  4. What was the most challenging aspect of the project, conceptually?
  5. What was most challenging about the project, technically?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

2-3 things I want to learn more about

This video takes place in china and its about a policeman hitting an old man with their weapon, but then the woman started to act out to get him to stop hitting the old man. After the woman touches the police, he just strikes her twice in the face and got knocked out. This is horrible and police brutality is stupid. Police should be more educated and learn how to cope with these people that act up, it should be in their training instead of acting recklessly like a civilian. Police have higher authority for a reason and if they cannot step up to this, they should step down from their job. This go for all police around the world, everyone can improve.

Although it is rightful to record the incident the police is creating. It is wrong for police to tell you to stop recording. And the civilians might be threatened to destroy the evidence they recorded because they are afraid of the police. The police are threatening to people rather than helping them. In certain videos I watch in social media, the back ups in an incident usually tells the recorder to leave the premise because they are interfering with their work. But while the cop is blocking the evidence, the other cops can easily land a punch in without anyone noticing. So, I think it will be wise if the government established this concern on how the cops cannot actually stand in front of your camera to try to get you from recording.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Self Symbol Gif

My concept for this gif is when I get angry, I become ruthless. But my anger lead to me getting embarrassed. This shows me being in my angry stage and hitting the boxing bag, but then I fail and get knocked out by the boxing bag instead. I arrived to this idea because I would usually want to relieve my anger and my stress on something solid, but then I am not capable of stopping the bag. My image enhances my concept because it shows a clear picture on what happens when I get mad. So, I should try and keep my cool or else I would hurt myself more than anyone else. My action leads to a worser reaction from someone or something else.

The original idea show myself getting up to show that I do not give up from defeat. But then I realized, if I get knocked out, I can't regain consciousness in a few seconds. So that is why I cropped that part out of my project. So, I made the project more realistic than anything else.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Portrait Transformation Reflection


I created this concept by using most of the things around me and then played around with a few photoshop tool to help me create this piece.

I am not happy with this result because this isn't the concept I really found interesting. But then i couldn't come up with any new ideas, so I had to stick with this. I dislike how the pen is not between its beak, but its under it. Thats a big flaw in my work.

This is my background

This is the pen I used.

That is the bird.

And then behold, my failurepiece:

I will show you all how to use the clone stamp tool. First you click the clone stamp tool, which looks like a stamp on the left side of photoshop. Then go on the right layer and click an area which you want to clone. Next you option-click the area so the program knows where you want to clone. Finally, you go to the area and use your cursor to go over the area in which you wanna fill. 

In this project I cloned the birds eyes and head. If its not working, you should check the layer you're on because that was my problem. I cloned the face and then moved my cursor a little above the feet. So it looks like a baby bird is in a mother bird's chest like a joey to a kangaroo