Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Self Symbol Gif

My concept for this gif is when I get angry, I become ruthless. But my anger lead to me getting embarrassed. This shows me being in my angry stage and hitting the boxing bag, but then I fail and get knocked out by the boxing bag instead. I arrived to this idea because I would usually want to relieve my anger and my stress on something solid, but then I am not capable of stopping the bag. My image enhances my concept because it shows a clear picture on what happens when I get mad. So, I should try and keep my cool or else I would hurt myself more than anyone else. My action leads to a worser reaction from someone or something else.

The original idea show myself getting up to show that I do not give up from defeat. But then I realized, if I get knocked out, I can't regain consciousness in a few seconds. So that is why I cropped that part out of my project. So, I made the project more realistic than anything else.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Portrait Transformation Reflection


I created this concept by using most of the things around me and then played around with a few photoshop tool to help me create this piece.

I am not happy with this result because this isn't the concept I really found interesting. But then i couldn't come up with any new ideas, so I had to stick with this. I dislike how the pen is not between its beak, but its under it. Thats a big flaw in my work.

This is my background

This is the pen I used.

That is the bird.

And then behold, my failurepiece:

I will show you all how to use the clone stamp tool. First you click the clone stamp tool, which looks like a stamp on the left side of photoshop. Then go on the right layer and click an area which you want to clone. Next you option-click the area so the program knows where you want to clone. Finally, you go to the area and use your cursor to go over the area in which you wanna fill. 

In this project I cloned the birds eyes and head. If its not working, you should check the layer you're on because that was my problem. I cloned the face and then moved my cursor a little above the feet. So it looks like a baby bird is in a mother bird's chest like a joey to a kangaroo

Friday, October 16, 2015

Letter Project Reflection

The letter project's process wasn't really that helpful to me because the ideas I brainstormed. I didnt really use in my final draft of my letter project. When the letter project was first introduced and when I had an assigned letter, I just thought of anything related to the letter M or a word that started with an M. 
Although Donald Trump doesn't have to do with anything related to the letter M, I thought of a way to make it fit. Because he is such a big controversial person right now in politics, I thought of how he wanted to deport many immigrants back to their country including Mexicans. At first I was thinking of creating a Great Wall of Trump with M shaped blocks to block off Mexico, but then I did not know how to start that. So I scratched that idea off my list. 

Then our next step in this class was to create 20 thumbnail sketches. Here are my thumbnails:
My favorite thumbnail sketches off the bat was the email icon but then I checked the gmail icon and it was too similar to do. Another favorite was the hairline of a person with a M shape to it. Another really easy alternative to this project was a duo mountain next to each other creating an M shape. The feedback I got didn't help me because I couldn't do the mail icon, so the feedback I got wasn't helpful

My two drafts after the thumbnail sketches were the hairline and the mountain.
So, I did these two drafts. I really liked my face draft, with the hairline and unibrow with the M shape. Ms. Lee said the M shape has to be more promiment, so there was no way for me to make this drawing. The mountain shaped M was difficult to draw and it looked really plain if it was only the mountains on the page. But then I thought of sphaghetti o's and thought of sphaghetti m's with a M shape bowl.

Here is my final product: 
There is the spoon indicating that it is a M shaped bowl with little m sphaghetti on the inside.

In my concept, I tried to make the outer rim lighter than the inside of the bowl because the inside of the bowl is usually darker than the outside. Also, the inside of the bowls edges were sharper because it is suppose to be a really sharp cut instead of a really dull one. I also blended two colors together for the soup color.
This picture showed the sharp edge of the bowl and the different colors used for the soup color. A soup shouldn't be a single color especially from a can of soup. I created different sizes sphaghettis because the all of the sphaghettis are not similar.

The most challenging aspect of this project for me was to decide on what to do because I never can decide on what to do, and if I did know what to do, I will always find a way to get rid of it. The soup was really hard to create out of color pencils and I think I did a horrible job creating the color of the soup. 

I am not satisfied with my project because my drawing isn't as realistic as I wanted it to be. If I look at it, without knowing what this project is about, I would not know this is a bowl of soup Everything isn't the way I wanted it to be.  It is annoying because I do not know how to create something from my brain to the paper.

If I can change my design, I would change everything because it doesn't look like a real bowl, the sphaghettis are really unrealistic and the soup looks discolored. Everything looks wrong to me, so if I had to change something, I would change everything.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Homework 9/24/15

Hello Readers (especially Ms. Lee).

My name is Kenny Lin. I am a senior from Millennium High School. I love to play handball and it is my favorite sport to play. That is honestly the only sport I am mediocre at. Fall and Spring are the seasons I love to play handball in. Which naturally gravitates me to loving these two seasons.
So here, I obviously have to choose a handball court I go to really often. I took this very recently, but this court is where I come to play handball on the regular basis.

In this photo, I was in SAT class. Taking a photo of my english homework for that day. This class was super difficult for me because I am the absolute worst in the english language.

I put this song as a memory of the summer because it was a great song I found during the summertime while I was listening to some Pandora. This was my first song I loved to listen to in the summer. Adam Levine is pretty cool, so I like to listen to him alot.